Monday, March 9, 2009

"For the first time in a long time, I was nervous." --Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City

Anthony has gone to bed and I'm still up watching Sex and the City reruns. That show is probably one of my all time favorite tv shows but often reminds me of that whole "in the world, but not part of it" thing.

Why do I love such a "scandalous" show? Because minus the unnecessary language, it is well written and the characters are easily identified with. It is romantic and somewhat realistic all at the same time. I could go on and on about this for hours. I even wrote a paper on it in college...a paper, might I add, that was nominated for a Women's Studies award.

The quote I started with is from the episode where Carrie and Aiden sleep together for the first time. He makes sex an intimate thing and not just a "thing" that you do on a date. There is anticipation and butterflies....the way it should be--ON YOUR WEDDING NIGHT.

That's right. I am in the world, but not part of it. I am proud to say that my husband and I waited until we were married to have sex, and not just with each other, but with anyone else. I treasure that moment that we shared. There was nervousness, anxiety, butterflies, and excitement.

In today's day, sex is nothing but a physical act between two people, not necessarily even a man and a woman. How did it get that way? And please...don't say "sin." I'm not retarded...I know that. But seriously, why did sex become something not saved for marriage? And even more so, why did it become acceptable to sleep around?

I constantly find myself around middle school kids and I love when God presents me with the opportunity to talk about why you shouldn't be having sex (unless you are married), especially in the 7th grade. If you don't tell these kids why they shouldn't, it is VERY possible they won't know why.

Kids hear all the typical reasons like "you'll get pregnant" or "you could get a disease." Why aren't we explaining to them what goes along with sex?

Saving sex for marriage is wise. You won't have to worry about comparing your spouse (or your spouse comparing you) to ANYone else. You won't have all the baggage that comes from things like that. PLUS, seriously, what 13-year-old child is really ready to be a mommy or daddy? Nare one (that's southern for not one). And unless it is medically necessary, teenage girls should not be on the pill. They shouldn't need to be.

When you share your body with someone else, even just letting them look, it connects you to them. As a young kid, or even a teenager, or young adult, WHY would you want to be connected to anyone that isn't someone you'll be with forever? It just makes no sense to me.

I've found that quite often, the only thing parents tell kids about sex is not to do it. TELL THEM WHY! Tell them about the emotions that go along with it, why people are tempted to do it, what will result from it, and yes, the risks of it.

Most parents are terrified of the day that they have to have "the talk" with their kids. I'm not. I'm seriously not. I want to talk to Ansleigh about it. I want her to know why I did what I did and why I'm glad I did what I did. I want to teach her to love her husband so much that she will wait for him. I want her to be able to ask me questions and be able to answer them honestly. I will admit though that I am terrified of what will happen to any boy that "tries something" with my little bug bug. :)

Anyway, just a few thoughts I'd like to share.

1 comment:

Kearsie said...

Hello new friend. This post reminds me of child support court. Why? Because the last time I sat in child support court and watched people try to fannagle their way out of paying child support, all I could think of is this was all due to sex. Also, I don't know if I spelled fannagle correctly.

I like SATC too, but I keep it quiet.